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Business Only Stuff for FREE
Business Only
Product Samples
Get total comfort and total safety from Bolle Safety eyewear solutions for your company. Request a free sample to try before you buy!
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Product Samples
Farm Frites are giving away free samples of their crinkle cut fries (chips)! Contact them to request yours. Email
[email protected] with contact address, tel no & current frozen supplier I will get one of the team to arrange for a free sample!
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Diet & Nutrition
Product Samples
Samples must be requested by a licensed health care professional. If you are a doctor, dietitian, or nurse interested in ordering samples for yourself or a patient, please send us an email at
[email protected] with your full name, affiliated medical institution, profession, phone number, email address, and the product you are interested in sampling.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Computers & Electronics
Product Samples
If ou a networking cable or IT professional, you can sign up to get a free SFP+ High-Speed Interconnect sample
Offer valid for residents of:
New Zealand
Business Only
Product Samples
Don’t miss this opportunity to try new Hostess Deep Fried Twinkies for free. A Company name is required!
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Drinks Sample
Product Samples
Monin has the flavor concentrate your company requires to delight customers. Try a free sample before you buy!
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Product Samples
To ensure proper delivery of your FREE sample of TUFflex Carton Sealing Tape from Veritiv, please complete the form. Allow two to four weeks for delivery.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Product Samples
Fill out this form to receive a Free 6 in 1 All Purpose Ground Tomatoes and Bonta Pizza Sauce with Basil.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Educational & School
Product Samples
You can request to download a simple drug guide with brand/generic drug names, pictures of Teva tablets and capsules. Or they can mail you a free printed version.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Product Samples
If you are you a Gem Setter or Jewelry Shop Manager, this is your opportunity to learn how to save time and improve quality using the Leverset patented method. Please complete the following Request Form to receive your Lever-Set setting kit. Our samples are manufactured in special bronze and are supplied with zirconia. There are no special tools needed. After we have received your completed request form and have verified your address, we will ship your sample kit. All materials are yours to keep without any obligation! Samples are available to professional jewelers, artists and gem setters working within the continental US.
Offer valid for residents of: