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Free Stuff & Product Samples for Babies
Babies & Infants
Product Samples
Try 3 of our best sellers the Just Hatched Happy Baby Wash, the Sleepy Baby Wash, and the Soft Baby Body Lotion. Just complete the form and your samples will be on its way to you!
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Simply complete the form at the bottom of their website and you will receive your free sample!
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Babies & Infants
Product Samples
Get up to $200† in value!Join for free to save on Similac®.
Receive coupons, rebates, samples & support
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Babies & Infants
Product Samples
If you are a Health Professional and would like to request samples of any Pigeon product or a copy of the Hospital Price List, please complete the form below. If you are a not a Health Professional but would like to request a sample, please do so via the ‘Customer Service’ tab.
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Babies & Infants
Contests & Sweepstakes
Product Samples
Enter the Nuby contest to get a free Nuby Selfie Soother just for entering!
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Sign up for a free 10 oz. sample of Enfagrow® Toddler Next Step®
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Simply complete the form on their site for your Free baby welcome package from London Drugs
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Discover the many benefits of our MAM Club:
Monthly newsletter detailing the latest MAM products, exciting baby topics and lots more
Pregnancy calendar - an ideal companion during the nine exciting months of your pregnancy with very useful tips
Monthly baby development calendar - everything you need to know about your new baby from their first eye movement to conquering the playground
Great prizes are waiting to be won in our numerous competitions for our MAM Club members
In the many MAM product tests, parents have the option to test products in advance
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Sign up on their site and follow the instructions to get your free sample!
Offer valid for residents of:
Babies & Infants
Children's Free Stuff
Diet & Nutrition
Product Samples
Your child is constantly growing and developing, so we are pleased to offer you a free trial pack of our nutritious milk drinks. Select your product of choice of S-26 GOLD TODDLER or S-26 GOLD JUNIOR.
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